Laugh till it hurts

My day starts with getting out of bed. You say big deal right! We all start our day that way. True but let me explain why it is a big deal. I imagine someone watching me do this and vision how funny it must look. Actually they might not think it’s funny at all but I think it would be funny to watch myself get up. You have to picture it. If I’ve been on my back I can’t just sit up. I’m too stiff in the morning and I don’t have the strength to lift myself from that position. So I have to roll to my side. Sounds easy enough. Not! It’s a process of  rocking  and scooting just enough to turn myself so I can grip the side of the bed and complete the roll. Getting there! Now I have to pull my legs up as I push my upper body up so that my legs swing over the edge of the bed. Ok so maybe now you’re getting the picture. Not so fast. Some days my left leg won’t pull up so I have to pull it up with my arms. Anyway I have myself sitting up on the edge of the bed now but the fun isn’t over. I still have to get up and hope my legs don’t collapse or I don’t lose my balance and slam into the wall. By the way I have done this. The wall and I have developed a close relationship. Sometimes it’s a friend offering support and other times it’s laughing at me as I face plant right into it. Just kidding! About the wall laughing that is. I’m up now. I reach out to my friend for support because I can’t just walk on my own yet. My leg is stiff and I limp.

Finally I make it to my destination. The kitchen. First things first. Must have coffee. Filling the coffee pot with water is hard. I can’t hold the water reservoir to fill it. One because my hand can let go at any given moment. It doesn’t warn me. Stupid hand! It just thinks oh let’s have some fun with her. Two because it’s too heavy once I start filling it. So I use a little cup. It takes 3 to 4 fills ( 4 because I spill some of each cup due to shaky hands)  to fill the reservoir but hey it get’s the job done right. I’m cooking now though about to get my coffee so all is good.

Until I get my cup of coffee ha ha…… I have learned the hard way to make sure I pick it up with my right hand. You guessed it. My hand let’s go. Would have thought I would have learned that sooner. After a few burns. The thing is you forget and do what comes naturally. Then it’s too late. Sometimes I didn’t even realize the cup was slipping because I couldn’t feel it. It wasn’t until I saw coffee sloshing out of the cup onto the carpet that I realized what was happening. Did that to my sisters carpet. Oops! Oh well what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. No I didn’t really just leave it there. I cleaned it up and told her.

This is pretty much the way the rest of my day goes. One adventure after another. Dropping dishes and everything else I get my hands on. I don’t know how many lids I have broken off bottles from dropping them. However that just helps me in the long run. ( Screw top lids are the enemy ) Who knows how many times I trip or lose my balance in a day. I should keep count. That might be a fun game. How many times did I trip today? Better yet turn it into a matching game. Bruises VS trips. Lol. At least once a day I decide I just have to have something from a bottom cabinet and get myself stuck. This is a source of daily laughter. Seems like such a good idea at the time. The idea that got me down there was a great idea. It’s usually another DIY project or something. The problem is I have to sit on the floor because my legs get weak. I take it back. That’s not the problem. That’s ok. The problem is I can’t get myself back up. My arms aren’t strong enough to lift myself up.  Even if they were I would still need my legs to help push up. Not happening! I always bust out laughing and think to myself “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”. I know I didn’t fall and I know it’s not funny when someone falls and can’t get up. It makes me laugh though and in that moment that’s all that matters. At this point there is nothing left to do but crawl to the couch where I can get myself up.

Yes I wonder why I do this. I ask every day. Why do you do this to yourself? I have to keep moving and doing things I enjoy. So if it means I get stuck and have to crawl so be it. As long as I can still crawl and find a way I will keep doing it.

So what’s the point of this post? Laughter really is the best medicine. These are just some of the crazy struggles I have on a daily basis. I could choose to get upset or give up but I choose to laugh at myself. I spend much of my day amusing myself that way.

My Granny use to say laugh lines weren’t a sign of aging they are a sign of happiness and not taking life to seriously. Wise woman!

So go ahead have a laugh with me or at me. Either way it doesn’t matter. Just laugh. Laugh till it hurts…..then do it some more.






65 thoughts on “Laugh till it hurts

  1. This is fantastic. I find that the best way to deal with MS is to laugh at the little things. Can’t let them bring you down 🙂

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  2. Yes i see some of these things as they occur and yes I usually laugh at that moment, not at the situation but how you generally have a smile on yoru face as it is happening and that makes me tough it out when i do not feel good or i have a pain somewhere. Yes i enjoy laughing at you but Laughing with you makes my day better.

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  3. I often look at parts of my body and frown. I’ll frown because they are doing stupid things and I reckon you have a much wiser way of looking at them. Thank you.

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  4. I think our Grandmothers would have gotten along well – mine would always say “you are only as Young as you feel.” Into her 70’s and sick with cancer she was still enjoying life to the fullest. I miss her a lot. Anyways, while I don’t have MS (though it was on their list of possible diagnoses), I have a similar morning regimen for getting out of bed. However, after about my third episode of falling out of bed in the middle of the night and giving myself a concussion on the nightstand, my Hubby went out and bought me a bed rail. It is my new best friend. It helps me roll over in the night without incident, and get up in the morning. It is only about two feet long to it does not get in the way. A little guy in my life loves to laugh about the fact that I need a bar on my bed and he doesn’t. You are right; we have to laugh! Oh, and thanks for checking out my blog and we both have the butterfly thing going, yay!

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  5. Well if we learned anything when growing up was that it was always best to laugh at the stupid things(yes each other included,not that we are stupid) if it weren’t for finding humor in things most people take seriously we wouldnt have made it this far!

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  6. You tell this in such a lighthearted manner that one can’t help but laugh. However, I know it must also be a struggle and strain sometimes and it’s a good thing that you’ve got a positive disposition and your grandma is a wise woman. Laughter is good medicine.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Sometimes I get so frustrated that I, too, laugh. I had a mentor a few years ago for school, and when I would tell her about my frustrations with my body, she said to laugh rather than cry or get upset. It does help, but trying to laugh instead of cry is the real challenge.

    Thank yo for sharing your story! It was amusing because I could relate to various parts of it.

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  8. I learned a lot about MS just from this post. I’ve heard of it of course but like most people who don’t have a disease it’s tough to get a good understanding of what those that do go through on a day to day basis. I’m glad to hear you’re in such good spirits. Thank you for sharing.

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  9. Is it OK to admit that this actually broke my heart as I read it? I do love your strength though and unwillingness to let MS beat you. I also love your sense of humor 🙂 On my father’s side, the harder things get, the harder they laugh. A spunky group of people that I’m proud to be a part of. Many of us take the simple act of getting out of bed for granted. The struggle you go through every morning and so well describe makes this a very powerful story. ((Hugs))

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Thank you for sharing your story! I try every day not to take for granted getting out of bed. I love the way you write and your ability to laugh at yourself. You are the very first person to comment on my new blog. Thank you! I’m not sure I know what I’m doing yet, but I’m determined to keep trying. Little baby steps. Right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you I appreciate that and thank you for visiting. I haven’t been doing this long myself so I’m still in the baby stages myself. Just learning as I go and trying to pay attention to the great advice from other bloggers. Have a wonderful weekend!

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  11. I had a university friend who was an MS sufferer. She did her degree as a mature student. I saw her bad days. You are brave, and well done to you for achieving this blog, the little daily victories and laughing . Blessing you with a 1000 good wishes and more, may you heal with the light of good wishes surrounding you. regards bella

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  12. Wow that was hard to read. I could feel every movement you made and I thought “this is one amazing woman, who can laugh through such adversity”. I admire your strength. May you be blessed with really good days.

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  13. Thank you for sharing your optimism and wonderful sense of humour….you’ve beautifully demonstrated the act of finding the silver linings in what would otherwise be demoralising adversity…being able to laugh in the face of life’s unpredictability is an act of courage and I admire you so much….please continue to share and inspire…you are a game-changer and a light 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I am so glad you found me because now I have found you! The minute I started reading this I knew we are going to get along wonderfully – BRAVO!! Life is so full of rotten apples that some days it is hard to find the sweet – you have (and are) done so beautifully! I grew up with a close cousin that had a severe and fast moving MS. Every year her parents would bring her out to our farm for our annual corn roast (HUGE deal for our family and friends), and your beautiful blog reminded me of her – so full of life, love and laughter – and she was sooo smart. I hope to hear more from you soon – keep writing, it is outstanding!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I adore your sense of humour and I did have a chuckle! I have a friend with arthritis that I lived with at uni and while it’s obviously not the same she’s definitely had some funny-not-funny moments as she goes about her day to day life! But you have to laugh eh? I think you’re brilliant for cracking on with all the things you want to do! #stayclassymama

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  16. I am so impressed. I don’t really know how I would be in your situation, but I think you are doing a fantastic job, I love how positive you are. I completely agree, it’s so much better to laugh than to get upset about something. There have been some hard times in my life where I thought I COULD get angry about this, but I’m just going to laugh. And you know what? That was the best decision I’ve ever made. I’m with you on this one! Thanks for the laugh and sharing with #StayClassyMama!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Great outlook and so true! I have always said, “Laughter is so important!” And I laugh at myself a lot as well! Not for the reasons you do, but just cause of the messes I get myself in! Humor has been one of my greatest gifts through life! Keep it up and keep hanging in there!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Beautiful post! Very eye opening to see how hard you work to do things that I take for granted everyday. Your humor and positive attitude makes all the difference and is very motivating to me.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. This made me laugh… then I felt guilty about it, but then I continued reading and laughed some more. You are such a strong woman Shannon, such an inspiration! Your nan was right… laugh lines are a sign of happiness. Keep laughing hun xx


  20. You’re so right ~ we either laugh or we’ll cry! I’m with you in choosing laughter lol.
    Oups at sisters carpet, I bet it didnt make her laugh 😉😉
    Keep on going warrior & eveloping those well deserved, blessed laughter lines 😜😁👏💕


  21. You are a kinging queen. Don’t know why i am just getting to see your blogs! They are truly inspiring and your strength shows through!


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