Turning Negatives Into a Garden 2

It’s been a few weeks since the first post about turning some of the negatives I have been dealing with into something positive.

I am still struggling physically and with speech or finding words. It has improved some. Some days worse than others. Right now I’m experiencing extreme weakness in my arms and hands. Even typing is difficult but that’s okay because I’m excited to share how the garden is coming along.

I must admit I’m proud of all the work I have put into it too.

This is a picture from the previous post when I still had a lot of work to do.




The weeds are gone! I’ve added more rock and stepping stones.

Along with some decorations and garden friends.

yard8 (2)

The veggies are coming along and this has been one of my favorite things about the garden. We have really enjoyed having fresh cilantro, basil, green onions, and more just a step away.

Although I think I’m a little more excited about it than everyone else! 🙂

Veggie garden before.

Veggie garden (2)


veggie garden4

pallet garden

The pallet garden is still going strong. In fact I love it.

The peppers are blooming.


Last night I was extremely excited when I noticed this


and this!

baby tomato

Baby tomatoes. 🙂

I started working on the next phase of the yard shortly after the first post. It’s been a lot of work but so worth it in the end.


back yard (2)

I built a platform for the fire pit.IMAG0802

We put the sod in Friday. Friday night to be exact. That was an adventure in itself. First of all it was supposed to be delivered Saturday morning. We were eating dinner around 6:30 as we heard a large truck outside. Guess what it was the sod. Not only was it the sod but they just dropped it on the sidewalk and left. I wasn’t prepared for doing it at that time. I was quite fatigued. In the end I’m glad it happened that way. Everyone was home and it would have been difficult for me to do by myself. It was a job putting it in, in the dark but it was fun at the same time. My daughter and I put it down as the guys hauled it in from the sidewalk. I’m so thankful my daughter was here. I couldn’t have done it without her. No, I haven’t forgotten about the guys. They were a huge help as well. 🙂


The yard wouldn’t be complete without a home for the Cowboy fan’s grill.

There is still a little work to be done here. The big white spot was left for a Cowboys stepping stone.




Just for fun I thought I would include this picture to show some of the wildlife here in the desert. It’s not the best picture and I tried to clear it up. This lizard comes out to sun every morning. It’s probably hard to tell in the picture but it’s a pretty large lizard. I would guess about 14 inches head to tip of the tail.

lizard (7)lizard (8)

I hope you enjoyed walking through my garden with me. 🙂


#MyGloriousGarden Linky

36 thoughts on “Turning Negatives Into a Garden 2

  1. Your garden is awesome! The whole yard is awesome! I love the pallet garden, I should so that, it might be something I could keep up with, the rest of it would be too much for me with my illnesses, but the pallet garden is small enough for me to water and watch after. I love it!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You have done a wonderful thing with that hideous backyard. I had no doubt that you would turn it into something to smile about. Awesome Job Shannon!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Looks amazing Shannon! I was wondering how you were. Sorry to hear that you are still struggling – you should be even more proud of your fabulous garden! I am especially jealous of your veggie patch, we used to have one but I struggled keeping on top of it, so we have just settled with herbs for now. x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Looks great. I’m amazed. That would have taken me years to do. Actually it would have taken me money because I wouldn’t be able to do it, I’d have to hire people.


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