Blogger Recognition Award

I was nominated twice last week for the Blogger Recognition Award. Last week was a bit rough so I apologize for the delay.  I greatly appreciate the nomination. Thank you DoniW and Tina-Invisible Illness Blog .

I enjoy both of these blogs very much. I visit Tina daily I think! I relate to her posts and sometimes think she and a few other chronic illness bloggers are in my head. Lol.

Please stop by and visit both of these blogs.


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
  • Select  other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog to let them know you have nominated them and provide a link to the post you created.


How it all started:

 I’ve always felt like the challenges we face in life are there to teach us something. Being diagnosed with MS was no different. It may be cloudy at the time. We may wonder why we are going through this but I’ve always stopped to take a look at myself and ask myself what it is I’m supposed to learn. Is it something about myself? Is it something to help me better understand so I can help others? The answer is always both.  I started blogging as a way to help me adapt to the changes I was facing after progressing to Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS) and to reach out to others that may be facing the same things.


Advice to new bloggers:

  • Stay true to yourself and write from the heart.

  • Reach out to other bloggers.


My Nominations:

My Heart of Mexico

The Fashionista Cook

A Smile Is Better Than A Frown


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